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Showing posts from 2021

April 2021: What God is Teaching Me Right Now (and who/what God is teaching me through)

I initially wrote this in my monthly newsletter...and then realized it was a bit much. One thing I am trying to be as my faith evolves and my relationship with Jesus deepens, is to be fully myself - what I mean by this is to integrate my faith and how God created/wired me. I am a learner and a teacher by nature. These are spiritual, God-given gifts. I am constantly searching for people to learn from and listen to, particularly Christian voices, and I want to begin to more faithfully share what I am learning (what God is teaching me!) with others. So, for the first round, here are 4 sources I am learning from plus what God is teaching me through the Bible right now: 1)  Latasha Morrison and Be the Bridge  (it's a book, and an organization, with an amazing Facebook community and other sorts of gatherings) - Latasha is passionate about educating the church about race / racism and pursuing RECONCILIATION and bridge building. Her work brings people together and gives them space to share

Wedding Reflections (and photos!)

 Alejandro and I got married on December 30th, 2020. It was a really good day! It's been almost a week now, so I figured I'd share some wedding planning / wedding day reflections while they are still very fresh in my mind! REFLECTING ON PROPOSALS First, leading up to the wedding, I was asked frequently how Alejandro proposed. Proposals have become a really big part of wedding culture over the years, and some couples have really big and fun stories connected to the proposal. These are usually shared widely on social media.  Alejandro and I have a really sweet love story that started sometime around the end of 2018 when we first met and is still unfolding. We have some favorite moments for sure, but we didn't do a traditional proposal. Instead, we had lots of conversations leading up to a two-part decision: 1) we wanted to get married! and 2) we didn't want to wait a long time to get married. Once we made the decision, we started planning things as an engaged couple (date