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Showing posts from April, 2021

April 2021: What God is Teaching Me Right Now (and who/what God is teaching me through)

I initially wrote this in my monthly newsletter...and then realized it was a bit much. One thing I am trying to be as my faith evolves and my relationship with Jesus deepens, is to be fully myself - what I mean by this is to integrate my faith and how God created/wired me. I am a learner and a teacher by nature. These are spiritual, God-given gifts. I am constantly searching for people to learn from and listen to, particularly Christian voices, and I want to begin to more faithfully share what I am learning (what God is teaching me!) with others. So, for the first round, here are 4 sources I am learning from plus what God is teaching me through the Bible right now: 1)  Latasha Morrison and Be the Bridge  (it's a book, and an organization, with an amazing Facebook community and other sorts of gatherings) - Latasha is passionate about educating the church about race / racism and pursuing RECONCILIATION and bridge building. Her work brings people together and gives them space to share